Home roasting, none fresher
Sinds 1 januari 2000

Ethiopia Arabica, Washed, Mocca, Wild Grown Forest Coffee

€ 29.00

The "mother" of all coffees. The goats of Kaldi have been tasting this coffee already.

This coffee is is from the Kefa Forest Coffee Farmers Coöperative Union - which is found in the Kefa region. The KFCFCU consists of 26 small coöperative which have a total memberships of 4200 smallholder coffee farmers.

This specific lot is from a project that is at the Kuti coop - that promotes processing of washed coffee from the area. Normally, the coffee from this region is marketed as natural processed.

The exact location of Kuti Coöperative (GPS) is 7.4424N, 36.1715 E. The coöperative consists of 408 members which own 300 hectares of coffeeland. The wet mill is located at 1795 masl, de farms are located between 1700 and 2000 masl. Their yearly production is ca. 360 bags of green coffee. The botanical varieties are considered 'Ethiopian Heirloom' (unchartered).

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